Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I have decided to do a blog and dedicate it to the many deep thoughts that run through the minds of myself and friends. This should be an open, creative environment, so if you feel inclined to pour out your questions/thoughts, feel free to do so. I don't judge. But the millions of people that view this blog daily, will... (current view count: 0 )
I also have no problem wiping the haters off. That's until I find that all viewers seem to be haters, at which point I will take a hint and stop blogging.

Test Tube 17
This blog's title has been inspired by a question that Mr. Peeples posed in my Sophomore Biology class in 2000 (post Y2K) after a science experiment: "Who has test tube 17?" After looking across the room to my friend Chris and establishing together that Test Tube 17 could be the greatest band name ever, I thought to myself "Who does have Test Tube 17??" The answer is: we'll never know... Either that, or the group in the back that failed the last two labs.
It's been 8 years since Mr. Peeples so sternly and eloquently asked that question, and I'm still captured by its mystery. That is why this blog is dedicated to Test Tube 17. Because sometimes questions don't need to be answered; they answer themselves through the sheer courage of asking a question. Or the fact that answering a question is like asking a courageous question without answering a question answered. I trust you are still with me.
In any event, this blog will hopefully be updated frequently, with a deep thought/question of the day/week/month. Beyond that, it may become an outlet for other things going on in my life and others.
I hope this becomes a regular stop for you in your daily website visits.